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About Kyle

My Story


My unique experiences with food and nearly 20 years in the food and beverage industry have been leading me toward a career in dietetics. My mission in dietetics is to help people learn how to thrive through the transformative power of food, much like I have. As a fourth-generation Japanese American, I have a distinctive perspective on food. After leaving internment, my Japanese grandfather was a cook in the US Army during WWII. I have vivid memories of helping my grandparents in the kitchen and clearly remember standing on a stool watching my grandfather’s quick and precise knife skills. Together we prepared traditional Japanese dishes, like sukiyaki beef stew and gyoza dumplings. I was encouraged to try many foods and was allowed to eat as much or as little as I wanted. This environment was full of laughter, love, and wonderful smells. My upbringing inspired intuitive eating patterns and cultivated a healthy relationship with food.

Thanksgiving Dinner.jpeg
"One cannot think well,
Love well,
Sleep well,
If one has
not dined well."
~Virginia Woolf


After years in the harsh environment of food service, my intuition and relationship toward food became skewed. I no longer viewed food as joyous, life sustaining part of daily activity. Food was perceived as a commodity, an indulgence, and let's face it, the only thing I had to pay my rent. Not only that, but the restaurant lifestyle is fast and hard, and eating became a chore. Finally, that environment connected the perception of joy and fulfillment to alcohol intoxication and late nights -- which was not conducive to a healthful lifestyle.


I'm happy to say that with dedication, experience, and recognition that this body is the only one I'll get, I have returned to an eating style more similar to my young self. Now I seek food that not only nourishes my body but my soul. I'm back to an understanding that indulgent foods and drinks are fun and necessary, but I know I can feel satisfied without overindulging. 


If you believe that what you put into your body directly contributes to what it puts out; if you strive to nourish yourself as a whole person; if you feel that cultivating a healthier relationship with the food on your plate can help you thrive; and if you need help implementing healthier habits, connect with me. Together we can build a better you for a more powerful future.



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